VROOM: Boost your child’s learning with fast and fun tips
Cultivating Readers: Help your child learn to read
Concerns about your child’s development?
NJ Child Support: Helping parents provide the support they need. Hotline: 1-877-NJ KIDS1
Programs for Parents:A non-profit organization that helps link families seeking aftercare services
Health & Wellness
NJ DHS:A comprehensive resource services to individuals with disabilities
American Academy of Pediatrics: Information and resources for parents of young children
GetCoveredNJ: NJ Health Insurance Application
Infant Mental Health:A professional organization that promotes infant mental health
WIC (Women, Infants & Children):A New Jersey nutrition program
Early Intervention:Resources for parents when children fail to reach their milestones
NJ FamilyCare:Free or low cost health insurance program. 1-800-701-0710
NJ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: 1-800-687-9512
DHS Commission for the Blind: Pediatric vision services
Mom2Mom:24/7 peer support to mothers of children with special needs
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau